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The Shattered realm

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The Shattered realm - Page 3 Empty A vixen's touch (Loooooong overdo post. Gomen...v.v)

Post  Vyncent Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:41 am

As more of the apparent party entered the clearing, she noted that they were certainly male. A hand came up to make sure her robe wasn't revealing anything she didn't desire to the....guests. Her gaze went to the weird man with the daggers, though he wisely put them away. Wisely only for she thought herself quite powerful for having dealt with these undead monstrosities already. Two in fact.

To the other male she turned her gaze, his words like the other, speaking of honorable intentions. This she nearly scoffed at from a thief but he seemed sincere. Her eyes had caught the paper and digested what she had been told. Least until the bear piped up with her findings and the marvelous idea of a shave to ascertain the color of her flesh. This, of course, would not do. And the absurdity of it all astounded her that she caught herself laughing without realizing she'd started.

Her hand dropped, the spell on her tongue released for another time as she shook her head. It was time for introductions on her part it seemed. They were not bandits out to steal from her or worse, and certainly not the monsters that had attacked her in the night. Adventurers these folk were. And a good band by the looks of them.

She quelled her laughter before clearing her throat. "No...mother nature I am not, little one. My name is Karin Firestone, a wizard." She looked about the assembled group of three and sighed softly as she looked down to herself. "It appears I have not rightly dressed for this greeting. If you all would like to make yourselves comfortable....I will be in my tent changing into something more befitting a proper greeting between...allies."

She looked a bit puzzled at the word before she turned and walked seemingly into the foliage, though to the careful eye it would in the odd shape of a cover for a small tent.

Posts : 24
Join date : 2010-05-12
Age : 39

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The Shattered realm - Page 3 Empty Re: The Shattered realm

Post  Dragonbane Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:50 pm

As the wraith closed in on him he knew that there was no getting out of there, no escaping or hiding. Completely surrounded and if he moved at all in any direction he got the painful sting of the smaller wraiths keeping him in the middle. Though the last thing he expected happened, he heard someone in the distance, apparently calling to the spectral beings, before a bright light lit up the area. Tahliat lifted his arm to shield his eyes, squinting in the light to try to see what was happening. The smaller wraiths seemed to have taken off for the other that came near, on horseback from the sounds of it. The large one hesitated, and that was all he needed to gain distance from it to avoid being lost in fear, but before he could move much, he was stopped dead in his tracks by the screeching. Such a horrid thing to hear, and this close. He had to cover his ears as he fell back to the ground, cringing until the noise stopped, at which point he slowly uncovered his head and looked around, his swords still where they were laying when he started to scramble.

It was then he heard the voice, human from the sounds of it, but he couldn’t be happier. He slowly rose up on his right arm, lifting the other as he called out in reply “O-over here! I’m here!” He then began to sit up, he was a bit stiff from all that, but he was alive, and that was what mattered to him at the moment. He quickly reclaimed his weapons, in case his ‘savior’ might have mistaken him for dead when he destroyed the wraiths and just wanted some loot. From the light and the words he’d manage to catch, he didn’t think that the case… but then again he didn’t think he’d get ambushed by a wraith either, so he was being cautious. He blinked a few times, still partly blinded from that great flash of light, though he could make out the figure of the one that saved him. He stood, leaving his weapons bare, but trying not to seem threatening. After all, he didn’t want to make the wrong impression, he was just trying to keep safe.


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Join date : 2010-05-17

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The Shattered realm - Page 3 Empty Re: The Shattered realm

Post  Phoenix Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:31 pm

The psion's head snaps up at the power surge from the turning "what in the blazes was that" he takes a few steps towards the source of it, his senses focused forward attempting to figure out what it was. it wasnt psionic that was for sure, perhaps divine? "there was a massive energy surge that way" he points with his spear, the crystal dagger on his hip leaps from it's sheath and skitters off into the woods "damn it, get back here" and he moves off in an almost blur, seeming to move just a touch too fast for a normal human. he starts bounding through the woods, following the dagger as it raced across the ground. leaping from branch to branch and across the ground. "get back here, we need to wait for the others!" the call was both verbal and mental, eventually the crystal comes to a stop just in time to see the light fade from the spell. crouching down he watches.


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Join date : 2010-04-30

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The Shattered realm - Page 3 Empty The rescuer identified

Post  Vyncent Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:54 pm

There was a pause as the person he'd saved stood with his weapons. A smart one this was, if a bit overly cautious. But he really couldn't blame the...elf. Yes, it was an elf. The pointy ears and fare features, if a bit gaunt at the near death he was facing, gave it away. He lowered his shield as he placed the sigil back into his pack, removing the kite shield and once more hooking it to the saddle for easy bearing. He brought the horse to a slow walk towards the fighter, arms outstretched. His voice was more like a human, but his features would give away his other lineage. The tie to the fare folk on his mother's side.

"I mean you no harm, my friend. My name is Terinthas. Terinthas Silverwing. I'm a cleric of Ogen, god of adventuring." He once more inwardly grinned at how that sounded. But he'd never let it show. "You seem to be the sole survivor of this most heinous incident. Do you have any injuries?"

He looked the fighter over as he heeled his horse to a stop a couple yards from the elf, arms lowered but not going for anything but the pommel of the saddle. He waited for the response of whether he was welcomed in company or to be sent on his way. He'd gotten enough of both in his travels to know that there was a fine line between offering help and trying to push it upon others.

Posts : 24
Join date : 2010-05-12
Age : 39

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